Reading Notes Ramayana Online PDE: Part B

The Sandals: I really liked this passage because of the importance of giving up the sandals. Not only where the sandals solid gold, but they were also very important for the times when this was written. Most people would only have one pair of shoes and on top of that being a forest without any shoes would be very painful. Rama is giving up something very important for his lively hood. As a writer a good part for this story would be to have someone give up something very important to them. I am not sure exactly where I want to take the story, but I am going to try to piece important parts of each story together. Viradha: This is a good battle scene. There is a good amount of action with Rama and Lackshmana attacking Viradha. They inflicted more than enough damage to kill any other opponent. It was discovered that the Viradha was invincible. They quickly dug a hole to take him out. Since this is such a major battle I will probably write my story about this section. I like that the your...