I had previously heard about the growth mindset before, but I didn't know it was by Carol Dweck. I learned about it from some inspirational speaker talking about how if people though they were going well and were smart then they would do better than students who thought they were dumb. I like to think I am pretty resilient being an engineer there are countless failures I have had, but I haven't let them stop me. I have for sure done bad in classes, but I continued on knowing that I could push through. I have always been really quick and got by without studying, but my sophomore year I relied that I couldn't just absorb information and would need to study. That moment was the biggest change in how I approached school. I will learn about growth mindset for the extra credit for sure!! My goal is to get a 4.0 this semester while still working 30 hours a week. My classes seem very manageable I just need to focus and lock in. Hopefully the growth mindset will help me.
An actual image of my mind growing! |
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