I choose the article by John Spencer titled
Seven Ways to Crush Self-doubt. I really liked this article because I have always been kind of hard on myself. I have been working very hard on not comparing myself to others. I think that that is the best ways to get over your negative thoughts. Since I have stopped comparing myself and stopped thinking and talking negatively about myself I have been feeling much better and a much stronger person! The next article I choose was
Why Rejection Hurts So Much by Guy Winch. I found this article to be very interesting because it shows how evolution played a roll in rejection. I liked some of the tips he gave about fighting through rejection, but what has really helped me not care about rejection was going onto Tinder and having hella girls reject me. It really helped and now I don't ever get sad when people day no. Having a high self worth is very important, so I agree with him on that aspect. The worst feedback I ever got was in high school when my teacher said I was not using my potential at all and was wasting away. It made me want to work harder. The best feedback for me is consequences. If nothing bad ever happens I will keep doing whatever action. It wasn't until I failed my first test that I realized I should start studying and start working hard. Before that I would barley go to class and would spend my days smoking weed.
Thinking positive will help with your feedback |
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