Topic Brainstorm

Epic Heroes: In anything I read or watch I am always enthralled by the heroes. I love following what the hero does and what makes the person a hero. Are they a just a good person with super powers or are the a struggling soul that is a tragic hero? Heroes for me are what makes a story so I can definitely see myself focusing on these people!

Epic Battles: Going hand in hand with the heroes are battles. I love a good battle more than almost anything. Since I was a little kid I have been reading about war and battles. This topic is super interesting to me. I love large scale battles with hundreds of thousands of people. Or a one on one between 2 gods going all out. I will definitely be reading about them!

Food: Like any human I really love food. Indian food was a type of food that I used to not like, but ever since I tried curry I fell in love. I hope to learn a lot about what food represent to the people of India. Across all cultures there are different types of food and different symbols for different types. I can't wait to see what I can learn about it. YUMMY!

Weapons of the Gods: Going along with what I talked about with battles the weapons go hand in hand. I like shooting and learning about guns, so the weapons sounds cool. I am not super interested in the old types of weapons, but I would like to learn more about them and see. I think the coolest weapon I read about was the Vijaya which means bow. The greatest hero Karna uses this weapon in the epics!

Vijaya the bow used by Karna


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