
Showing posts from February, 2019

Week 7 Story: Impossible Odds

The year was 2035; it had been eight months since talks had broken down between the two new American countries. Tensions were at an all time high and both sides knew that war would be coming soon. The two leaders of each side would never see eye to eye. Captain Gomez knew this. He had been training with his company for the past 2 years as he had predicted the decline of America and wanted to get ready for the war. His company was the most advanced of the entire country. They had been in many "pre-war" missions where they assassinated political opponents, carried out attacks against supply lines and factories. He looked over his company "Men, we just got word that the real battle is about to start. The enemy's president has sent a message to the capitol. She said that we would all be finished and completely wiped out by her large superior army. That's why General Hyde has instructed us to make a daring attack on the capital at the very start of the war. We have ...

Reading Notes PDE Mahabharata Part D

I am at the point where Amba finally gets revenge for on Bhishma. It only took her what seemed like 1000 years hahah. The battle between them was described as so spectacular that both armies could do nothing, but watch. When you actually read the story you barley get any imagery. This is something that I haven't liked about theses readings. I try to add good imagery to make up for the lack of it in the reading. I mean the books literally like oh Bhishma gets shot with an arrow and slowly dies. That doesn't tell you much about the battle at all. If a battle went on for hours you would want to hear or get it described whats going on. This will be the final part of my stories I will use. The bow used to kill Bhishma Bibliography:  India Myth and Legend  Donald Mackenzie

Reading Notes PDE Mahabharata Part C

Duryodhana sends a messenger to tell the Pandavas that they are going to be going to war soon. I enjoy this part of the Mahabharata because I enjoy the battles and the parts leading up to war the best. Krishna is more that welcoming the fight. He uses good descriptive language about burning up the army like grass.Kind of funny to think about, but I saw a video on twitter where some people light their grass on fire when playing with fireworks and the grass is burning very fast. So i can see how this will cause some serious damage. I really like the way they have their similes and metaphors back in the olden days because they are much different from what we would use in modern times, but some of them are timeless. Duryodhana has a much larger army, but a bigger army doesn't mean success. A good story idea will be about a small army defeating a large army. Next comes a beautiful song that is the most popular part of the whole story. I think it would be fun to have a song played for th...

Week 6 story Grayson and Art Girl Escape

"What a lovely night", Grayson thought. He had just gotten married to his beautiful bride. Art Girl was the perfect woman she could paint better than anyone and she was a model. Grayson was absolutely in love with her and couldn't wait for the honeymoon. Since he had started his new job at Goldman Sachs he was living large. He got the best hotel in the most romantic destination for their retreat. Plus his best friend Sebastian had given them a great deal on the place. Sebastian was a successful rental property manager turned Hotel owner.  All of his friends said good bye and wished them well on the vacation. The flight to their destination felt like eternity for the newly weds. They were so excited to finally make it there that they were bursting with excitement. The hotel was magnificent. "Hey guys welcome to the hotel", Sebastian greeted. "I hope you enjoy the stay; I have given you guys the best room in the hotel". The couple ran to their room...

Reading Notes PDE Mahabharata Part B

The House of Fire: Price Viruda is the smartest of his brothers but is not able to be the kind becasue his mom is a slave. He is kind and just and doesn't have hatred in him like his brothers. Yudhishthira is also on good terms with Viruda. Yudhishthira goes with his mom to a palace but quickly realize that there is a trap set for him and his mom to be killed. It is very obvious that the King is trying to have all of them killed. I mean come on there is oil all over the palace and the whole palace became highly flammable wood out of no where. The only thing that I am kinda confused about is why it took so long for the plan to be enacted. I mean Yudhishthira had enough time to have a miner dig out a whole tunnel and they still hadn't set fire to their palace. I'm just confused what the king was thinking because even if he didn't realize it right away he would have seen eventually all the signs for a fire. This was by far the worst premeditated murder attempt I have ever ...

Notes Mahabharata Part A Reading Notes

A common character in both stories we have read so far is there being an archer that can beat anyone in their way. I am starting to think having a good skill of archery is something that is looked up on in ancient Indian culture. Bhishma is able to kill all the challengers from his car. I assume this isn't a literal car but maybe a sky chariot as the ancient Indians wouldn't have know what a car is. Amba is going to meet Bhisma as a warrior later in the story. She gets rejected by noth kings and wants her revenge. She will become a warrior that will kill him. I think this would be a good story for my portfolio as it can show over coming something and maybe showing someone up. Bhisma another divine archer fighting off the kings  Bibliography: Myths of the Hindus and Buddhist by Sister Nivedita 

Reading Notes The divind Archer part B

For this reading notes I decided to look into the part where Rama is going to save Sita from the 10 headed king. Rama for one has an awesome power with his bow. It seems like every foe he faces stands no chance, except for Virdha. He can instantly take anyone out that he needs to. This is the ultimate power. This reminds me of animes where the protagonist is overly powerful. He also uses his monkey army as spies to help relay to Sita he is coming to rescue her. There is a nice element of using the ring as a way to say that hope will arrive. This is the use of foreshadowing that Rama is coming to kill the beast. We already knew he would though since he has awe inspiring power! Rama and his bow  Bibliography:  The Divine Archer  F.J. Gould 1911

Reading notes week 5 Gould Divine Archer Part A

This week I read the Ramayana by Gould called the Divine Archer. I liked this book a lot better than the PDE version. It was much easier to read and it helped my understand the story better. I didn't realized that Rama and Sita were exclaimed and not allowed to enter the city for 14 years. I feel like the other version of the book was a little convoluted, but also now being better at reading the names of the characters and going back over it makes it much easier to get a clear picture. The cover of the book Bibliography: The Divine Archer F.J. Gould 1911

Canvas App Tech Tip

This week I am going to talk about the canvas app. I have had this app for the past 3 years and really enjoy it. I like it because you can look at if you have anything due at a moments notice. I also like that you get notifications when grades are posted so you can always stay on top of your grades.

Comment Wall

Here's the link to my first story: Avenging a Wife

Week 4 Story World Mythology Story: Why the Seasons Came to Be

Seba was the grand ruler of all the land. Not only was he just the king of the world, he was the God. He had all of the power in the world and made his subjects life very easy. The world was prosperous and beautiful. The trees were green year round and harvest were always bountiful. Seba was walking through his kingdom one day when he saw a woman painting. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She looked so divine and he could hardly believe his eyes. He quickly walked up to her and compliment her art. When he asked for her name she didn't respond with one instead she said.  "I was an orphan who was never given a name. People just call me Art Girl because of the beautiful art I create."  "Art Girl" Seba thought, "how beautiful yet so simple". She was an angle that only he himself could have made. Seba asked her to be his wife. She wanted to agree, after all he was a God. The only problem was she was already with Seba's frien...

Reading Notes Part C Ramayana PDE

I am doing some notes on the pre battle before Rama and his army of monkeys storm Lanka's palace. Since Sita believes Rama to be dead because of the bow and Rama's head, she has little hope. She cried out in the last chapter. We are given a new character named Garuda who is there to heal the army of Rama. I will use this guy in my story maybe as someone who trains Rook and Justin before their battle with Sam. This is also a good story learning about the battles of India. This is where Sita believes Rama has been slain Bibliography: Myths of the Hindus and Buddhists By Sister Nivedita

Topic Research: The Indian Epic Battles

The Kuruksehtra War was the main war in the Mahabharata. The war is being fought between Kauravas and the Pandavas. These groups of cousins are fighting for the ruling of the thronw. This kind of reminds me of the Hatfields and the McCoys. This was another famous family rivalry that happened right here in the United States. The war was based on the 10 kings war which happened around 3102 bc. This battle was a fight between rival tribes in India. The center of the war was around the Ravi River in India. A possible story I can use is Viradha as a possible battle story. I have already written a story about it, and I liked the battle scene a lot. I could do the battle with Khara as another story. Finnaly I was thinking of using the fight in the part called Lakshmana and Shurpanakha. All of these pretty interesting and I plan on writing about the battles because I think there is a lot of room to be more creative. A painting of the final battle in the Kuruksethra War . Sour...

Feedback Strategies

For this weeks assignment I chose Be A Mirror by Gravity Goldberg. I agree with this article because it reinforces the idea that as someone gets better feedback, they will do better. In this article it shows students will be better at reading if they think they can do better. I agree with this idea because if a person thinks they have already failed they will have no chance in succeeding. A positive mindset reinforced by authority will definitely help someone succeed. The next article I chose was Preschoolers and Praise: What kind of Messages Help Kids Grow? by Mindshift. The best part of this article in my opinion was specifying what someone is doing good at. Good job fixing the car instead of good job. This is also something that a person in a relationship should do. Say I love you because... in stead of just I love you. I used to not like getting any kind of feedback as it would hurt my feelings, but as I have gotten older I like to know what I am doing right and wrong and se...

Week 3 Story Rook and Justin Avenge Rook's Wife

Updated Story: "I'll make him pay for disrespecting my wife" thought Rook. No one through Rook's wife through a coffee table. She was the perfect woman in the world. She was educated; she had graduated from the local community college with her associates degree. She was also an athlete like no other being the captain of her rec lacrosse team. He had to take revenge on none other that his own brother. Rook knew he saw her trip his wife and slam her through the table. An "accident" like that doesn't actually happen on accident. Rook knew that his brother, Sam, was too big and strong for him to fight alone. Sam had been going to the gym no stop and his mass and strength knew no bounds. "Loading his body with that many calories of milk a day was unnatural", Rook thought. Rook texted Justin and told him to meet him at the gym , Guy Heaven. Sam would be there without a doubt, a...