Week 7 Story: Impossible Odds

The year was 2035; it had been eight months since talks had broken down between the two new American countries. Tensions were at an all time high and both sides knew that war would be coming soon. The two leaders of each side would never see eye to eye. Captain Gomez knew this. He had been training with his company for the past 2 years as he had predicted the decline of America and wanted to get ready for the war. His company was the most advanced of the entire country. They had been in many "pre-war" missions where they assassinated political opponents, carried out attacks against supply lines and factories. He looked over his company "Men, we just got word that the real battle is about to start. The enemy's president has sent a message to the capitol. She said that we would all be finished and completely wiped out by her large superior army. That's why General Hyde has instructed us to make a daring attack on the capital at the very start of the war. We have ...