Hey everyone my name is Alex Lagge. I am a junior at ou. My major is computer engineering. Why did I choose that major? I find computers to be fascinating and one of the most important pieces of the future. After my undergrad, I want to pursue an MBA and data analysis master. Even though I'm a computer engineer, I am planning on not doing a whole lot in the engineering field and want to go work as a data analyst. That's the boring school stuff about me. My hobbies are all things sports. I wouldn't consider myself a stereotypical sports bro though. Even though I spend a lot of my time reading and watching sports, I like the strategies that go into sports and the data behind decisions. A quick example is how the NBA is going toward more 3's and layups/dunks because from an efficiency stand point they are the best shots to take. The sport I like more than the NBA is football. The NFL is the superior football league compared to college. Many people enjoy college football mo...
Hey Alex! The Canvas app is a lifesaver. I have been using the Canvas app for most of my undergraduate education since OU switched over to Canvas. When OU first switched to Canvas I was kind of annoyed because I was getting used to the Desire2Learn, which I did not like. Canvas looks so much better and is so much easier for me to access. It is really cool that Canvas has an app also making it more accessible for students to check on due assignments and grades.