The Stolen Jewels: This story is about a monkey who steals a necklace when a slave is asleep. First off I find it to be weird that there are so many monkeys on the palace grounds. I would think of monkeys to be dirty and something that you wouldn't want even close to you as a ruler. Especially with the caste system, I would think they would want anyone not like themselves to be on the grounds unless they are servants. Anyway, 5 of the main people in the palace accept their fate for stealing the necklace even though they didn't. I think they did that because the king was hard to get along with and would be tough. The advisor is smart to realize that the reason for all of them confessing is because they would probably go to jail anyway. He then tricks the monkey to get the necklace out by making all the other monkeys have bad necklaces. Moral of the story is being smart is good and being hasty is bad. Also, get the monkeys out of the palace! Some stolen jewels. The Too...