Hey everyone my name is Alex Lagge. I am a junior at ou. My major is computer engineering. Why did I choose that major? I find computers to be fascinating and one of the most important pieces of the future. After my undergrad, I want to pursue an MBA and data analysis master. Even though I'm a computer engineer, I am planning on not doing a whole lot in the engineering field and want to go work as a data analyst. That's the boring school stuff about me. My hobbies are all things sports. I wouldn't consider myself a stereotypical sports bro though. Even though I spend a lot of my time reading and watching sports, I like the strategies that go into sports and the data behind decisions. A quick example is how the NBA is going toward more 3's and layups/dunks because from an efficiency stand point they are the best shots to take. The sport I like more than the NBA is football. The NFL is the superior football league compared to college. Many people enjoy college football mo...
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