Make up reading part B Jataka Tales

The foolish and wise merchant: I like this story because there is an excellent insight into life. Don't count your chicken before they hatch. Don't throw away preparation because you think something good is going to happen. I know my self I had calculated my chickens way before they hatched and it led to me being mad. I will try to live with these good ideas.

Me counting my chickens too early!

The next story I am looking at is Princes and the water sprite. This story doesn't seem to have much meaning to me. I think that it is kind of a dumb story because the princes make a house for the sprite that tries to kill them on the palace. This just makes no sense to me. 

The Kings White Elephant: This is a story about having good looks. If a person has good looks, they will be able to go far in life if they do very little. The white elephant was a good elephant that worked hard and played well, but the King could find an elephant that was hard working. He could not find a white elephant though. The good looks or unique color that the elephant has helps him go far in life!

Bibliography: Jataka Tales Jataka Tales 1912


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